Gestatten: Bruno BOTZ

Step by step towards the BOTZ bear: Kathrin und Mike from did a marvellous job in their ceramic studio and created a true BOTZ bear. He goes by the name of "Bruno" and his fur is glazed with 9470 Bärenfell of course...  

  • Brunos belly out of hemispheres

    Brunos belly out of hemispheres

  • Bringing together the two hemispheres

    Bringing together the two hemispheres

  • two slabs for the head

    two slabs for the head

  • face slab with nose

    face slab with nose

  • back of the head in plaster mould

    back of the head in plaster mould

  • neckhole cutout

    neckhole cutout

  • arms / legs of tubular forms

    arms / legs of tubular forms

  • arms / legs of tubular forms

    arms / legs of tubular forms

  • head and body...

    head and body...

  • Ohren formen

    Ohren formen

  • ears cutout

    ears cutout

  • attaching the ears

    attaching the ears

  • form eye sockets and eye balls

    form eye sockets and eye balls

  • attaching the eyes

    attaching the eyes

  • Bruno in Rohform

    Bruno in Rohform

  • Brunos single parts

    Brunos single parts

  • Brunos eyes with Unidekor black and 9104 Cognac

    Brunos eyes with Unidekor black and 9104 Cognac

1) The body is created with two hemispheres. 

2) Roll out two further earthenware slabs for the head. Bulge the face slab spaciously for the bear's nose - place the slab for the back of the head in the platsre mould. Then bring front and backside together with slip and cut out a hole for the neck.

3) Shape legs and arms out of tubular forms then again paste to body with slip. 

4) Create small, crescent-like semi-circles as ears, again a hole for attaching the ear properly then use slip for completing the head.

5) Deepen two eye sockets and roll two eye balls.  

6) Attach all parts to the body (other than eyes), tear a small furrow for mouth and nose and let dry thoroughly.

7) Biscuit firing for bear and eyes at min. 950°C.

8) Glaze Bruno all around with 9470 BOTZ bear skin (possibly dilute with water) in 2-3 coats, paint mouth and nose with 9489 BOTZ Black matt (2-3 coats), let dry each coat well.

9) Glaze the eyes with plenty of BOTZ Unidekor black for the pupils and one coat of 9104 Cognac (for the edge).

10) Glaze firing at around 1050°C.

11) Fix the eye balls in the sockets with glue.